
Erosion (after continental drift theory)

The continental drift theory was advanced by the German meteorologist Alfred Wegener in 1912. Based on previous observations (from Abraham Ortelius, Alexander von Humboldt and others) he stated that around 250-200 million years ago Earth was one continent that became divided at some later point, giving birth to the continents familiar to us today. It was only in the 1960s that research on tectonic plates managed to confirm, explain and nuance Wegener’s theory. Erosion brings formal shaping to the structural movement of tectonic plates. Both processes are characterized by the contrast between imperceptible perpetual motion (subtractions and additions, stretches and close vicinities measured in millions of years) and striking, often unpredictable action (collapses, earthquakes able to cause significant geological transformations). Earth’s macro dynamic integrates and affects the human body, but how could our experience and sensorial capacities integrate and perform the imperceptible? Ciprian Ciuclea brings to Platforma’s space a route of sensorial understanding for heightened attention, with installations for catching and delivering the unnoticeable. In equal parts kinematic study and training ground for minimal perception, the exhibition is built from the perspective of the researcher as missing link between living and formulating. Through discrete interventions dedicated to re-alerting the senses, bodies become aware of the accumulation and attenuation forces which perpetuate or disturb their existence on a planetary level.

Let us imagine a montage of strong images – social movements, wars, and natural disasters – pasted together into those little promotional videos that are featured on almost all TV channels. They are always fast paced, dramas or regular actions consumed in time lapse, designed to produce feelings of urgency or panic. Our bodies, participating or reacting to the daily time lapse, already are science fiction, speedily projected towards the future. In order for these bodies to experience the imperceptibility of transformation, Ciprian tries to build patters of integration, absorption and observation at cellular level. The walkthrough and the geography of the actual space of the exhibition are in the same time sensorial exercises and conceptual interactions. (Simona Dumitriu)

The project was presented at Platforma Space, National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest (25.04 - 26.05.2013), curator: Simona Dumitriu.





